Tugas Esai Bahasa Inggris

Karena pekan ini ada ujian di kampus saya (take-home) dan salah satu mata kuliah yang saya ambil adalah Bahasa Inggris (deadline malam ini) dan salah satu pekerjaan harian saya adalah menulis blog, maka saya kerjakan keduanya sekaligus deh. Biar nanti untuk pengumpulan tugas tinggal salin (tulis tangan).

I want to tell my story about my Linux journey. By the way, my memory about my past years might be a little bit hazy and not 100% accurate.

First time I tried Linux if I’m not mistaken was back then when I was in Middle School. Maybe circa 2011. Back then, I accidentally formatted my Laptop when I was trying to reinstall Windows. I chose the wrong partition. Loading, and boom. All my files are gone.

Then I tried installing Linux (Ubuntu) on my Laptop. At first, I was confused how to use that thing. And since Linux and Windows are different kinds of operating systems, that means I could not use or run Windows apps directly. And in the end, I switched back to Windows.

I met Linux again when I was in D3 study. I studied at IPB University, majoring in Computer Engineering. There were some subjects that were taught about Linux. They were Microprocessor Operating System (SOM) and Computer Network Operating System (SOJK). The Microprocessor one teaches about basic Linux things. Like how Linux filesystem works, managing privileges/permission and other things. Back then I was not really interested in learning Linux and didn’t engage in the class really well. In this class if I’m not mistaken, I was using Linux Mint for testing.

The other subject, hits different. Many tasks and lab courses. I almost always got  no proper sleep each friday night back then (the class is on Saturday). That’s because:

  1. I had no big interest in learning Linux
  2. I was not paid attention in that class
  3. Do-it-later mentality

Even though my friends already taught me multiple times about the subject, I sometimes still could not get the ideas.

By the way, this subject primarily focuses on doing network configuration using Linux and creating simple servers. I was using Ubuntu Server (I think it’s Ubuntu 16) and CentOS. I got a C grade on this subject.

By the way, yes I wasn’t getting good grades in this subject but at least I learned some basic concepts about Linux and computer networks.

Fast forward to 2023, I got another job at an IT company that stated “Linux-related skills” on the vacancy. I applied because at least I have “touched” Linux back then when I was in college. The test was hard because in my daily and previous job, I barely use Linux. But the job test result came out and I was accepted.

The services offered by my current company are mainly related to Linux. And my Boss also asked me to use Linux as my primary OS. Also I was advised to take some Linux-related courses. Those things made me learn more about Linux. Btw when I just joined this company I was using Linux Mint, and currently Zorin OS (and Windows hehe. Yeah I still use Windows).

When I got deeper in the course and daily work, sometimes I faced some aspects that reminded me of the Linux subjects that I had studied (briefly) in college. That “ahh” moment, when I finally understood some concept in Linux that I didn’t understand back then in college. I also regret why I was that lazy and dumb back then in college, even though Linux skills are needed by many companies.

I cannot change my past. Now, my plan is getting better in Linux.

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